Web Tools
HTML cleaner
HTML to string
JSON sorter
JSON to *.properties
List sorter (inline)
List sorter (multiline)
MD table to CSV
MD table to JSON
Regex replacer
Rule of three
String builder
Text case transformer
Triangular sum
HTML cleaner
(corrects a few common issues resulting of HTML conversion)
HTML to string
Use double quotes ( " )
JSON sorter
JSON to *.properties
List sorter
(inline; splits by comma or space, but never both)
Discard duplicates
List sorter
(multiline; splits by newline)
Discard duplicates
MD table to CSV
(copy rows only; do not copy headers)
MD table to JSON
(copy rows only; do not copy headers)
Regex replacer
Rule of three
String builder
(for Java, mostly)
Keep line breaks
Text case transformer
(type into any of the inputs)
Triangular Sum
1 + 2 + 3...